
Author Spotlight

Eloise Jarvis McGraw (1915-2000)
An only child, Eloise was born in Houston, Texas, to parents Loy and Geneviece Jarvis. When she was five, she and her family moved to Oklahoma City; she attended high school there but went to college in Illinois, though she also attended classes at the universities of Oklahoma and Colorado. She met her future husband, William McGraw, in college, and they married in 1940 and moved to Ohio. The couple had two children, Peter and Lauren; the family made several moves across the United States and Eloise traveled worldwide for recreation and to research for her young adult books. Her first published novel was "Sawdust in His Shoes," an immediately popular work which was followed by three Newberry Medal winners - "Moccasin Trail," "The Golden Goblet," and "The Moorchild." Eloise's husband died in 1999, and she passed away on November 30 of the following year.

Books by Eloise Jarvis McGraw

Book Fun Values Age
The Golden goblet by Eloise Jarvis McGraw Great Fairly Clean 8-10
Mara: Daughter of the Nile by Eloise Jarvis McGraw Great Take Care 11-12
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